Commerce is fundamentally about meritocracy and diversity. Meritocracy is about individuals. No one can do a particular job better because they are a member of a 'protected victim class'. That goes for teaching black history or being a professional football player. Merit goes only to individuals not to tribes, families or class.
That is even more true of diversity. Diversity is about individual uniqueness not about being a member of a 'protected victim class'. A good group of fashion designers will be made up of people with a wide range of talents including differing esthetic tastes, not different sexual appetites.
The same is true of an engineering team where diversity means different training and a variety of experience. Bell Labs was the greatest research institution on the planet because of the wide range of geniuses that came from every society on the planet. Certainly not based on melanin level or sexual preferences or gender.
Today in America, the Left has adopted a very totalitarian anti-commerce value of arranging society to reflect 'protected victim classes' differences in all institutions ranging from CEO's, boards of directors, employment to home ownership and educational outcomes.
Everything except sports such as football and basketball where the stupidity of this idea is obvious.
This idea of 'protected victim class' is a fairly new one. The idea of equal outcomes for all 'protected victim classes' is even newer.
We have always had hated outside groups: Chinamen, Irish, Jews. The idea of 'victim groups' was first promoted by the American Communist Party in the 1930's trying to divide Americans and gain membership. It gained currency on the Left in the early 1960's as civil rights became a source of political power for 'civil rights victims'. The Left learned that treating all blacks as a class of victims gave the Left power.
That led to the increased fracturing of society with the rise of the women's movement as a 'protected victim class' in the late 1960's. Academia took the lead in expanding the 'false authenticity idea' with black studies departments in the 1970's. The idea has continued to expand ever since then.
The evil of this idea is most visible in the election of an unskilled, untrained, incompetent man as president, and his re-election based on his skin color. The evil was most visible when he asked the black members of Congress to boycott one of the greatest leaders of a democracy to address Congress, and most black Congress-members did boycott PM Netanyahu. Solely based on their own skin color.
It is a sad day in America when a woman who has high melanin becomes 'black' and a 'woman' only when she changes her political party affiliation to Democrat. I'm thinking of Condoleezza Rice a Republican who is not considered either 'black' or a 'woman'.
On the other hand, only Republicans are real people. Democrats are members of 'protected victim classes' with no real personal attributes.
We went wrong when the Left adopted the American Communist Party definition of human group differences: victim classes.