I would like to make an observation that I haven’t seen made anywhere else. The European mind is dramatically different than the American mind.
Both can be looked at as a horizontal line. That is where the similarity ends.
That is why American and European intellectuals are unable to carry on meaningful.dialogue.
Europeans have a Left to Right line that centers on the structure of their societies and the oppression of the bottom part of society. The Left sees the the bottom parts of their societies so lacking in opportunities for change that they demand society be totally restructured by government or by revolution. Revolution precedes the creation of a more just and equal society brought about by a new government.
The Right, on the other hand, represents the existing European hierarchy. It is particularly concerned with defense of the hereditary institutions. This is the position of Edmund Burke. Mistakenly associated with American conservative politics. The Right in Europe is strongly opposed to radical changes in society or changes in the hierarchic status quo.
In America the horizontal line from Left to Right has none of these characteristics. The Left wants to change human beings by expanding the government and using taxation to bring about income equality. There is virtually no consideration of a revolution but there is a perennial desire to reinstate the pre-commercial, pre-modern communal values. There is no focus on hereditary hierarchy because it is absent in America.
The Right in America is not concerned about hierarchy either. They are concerned with preserving the status quo which includes many religious and traditional business values.
The European mind with this different Left-Right distinctions cannot communicate with the American Left-Right mind.