I saw this article recently about sea level rise.
I have been carefully looking at the global warming thesis since roughly 1980 when Stewart Brand asked me to look into the issue. The most reliable data I could find then were ocean temperatures dating back to 1820. The noise to signal ratio in the data (variation) was so great that it was not possible to see any trends.
As I watched the global warming thesis developed in the 1980s. I began looking carefully at the data. By the mid-1990s. I could see that the data was increasingly unreliable. By the end of the 1990s I was able to see the beginnings of the satellite data and could see that the earth-based sampling that dated back to the1850s was terribly biased toward populated regions, and completely unreliable. By the 2000’s all of my concerns became publicly known and justified.
No data other than satellite data on global warming has any value whatsoever. It is crap. The satellite data shows a tiny warming over the past 35 years, mostly occurring in one year mid-1996 to mid-1997 for reasons that are completely unknown.
Beginning in the early 2000's I began to read about rising sea levels. Again, I looked at this data, which appeared to be reliable dating back 200 years. For 200 years there did seem to be a rise in sea level of about 8 inches per century. Not really enough to give a damn about.
From reading this article, mentioned at the beginning, it turns out that the measurements of sea level for the past two centuries were not reliable. Overall the most recent hysterical numbers on sea level rise are even less reliable. We don't have reliable global measurements of sea level.
Since the earlier data about sea level shows a rise beginning two hundred years ago, there is no possibility of connecting it to human behavior or CO2, which only begins to play a global role, if any, in 1900 as population and industrialization grew.
So here I am: knowing that the global warming data and hysteria is nonsense and beginning to see that the sea level data is comparable nonsense. If either are true, they are at an insignificant level.