I have to confess to my readers, five months late. I was somewhat depressed during the Gaza war and for a few weeks after. No rational arguments mitigated my depression. I am always a cheerful, upbeat person. During that time I only expressed my depression to my very closest family and friends.
What depressed me? It was an historic change of such extraordinary magnitude that I could not ignore it.
Killing 6 million Jews in the territories conquered by the German armies. (I did not say Hitler the Third Reich or Nazi), it was the German army that brought forth the most abominable act in human history: the Holocaust.
As we humans, in the few civilized parts of the world where commerce has been triumphant, became aware of the Holocaust the level of Jew hate that had preceded World War II rapidly abated. Less than 15 years after knowledge of the Holocaust was widespread most Jew hate was at a very low level in the population of the modern commercial world. (Using the term ‘modern commercial world’ excludes the ugly communist nations.) Under communism, virtually no information about the Holocaust was available.
Slowly over the past 15 years. The conditions that created the Holocaust, the high level of Jew hatred, has returned.
This is bothersome, less so to me as an American, and less so to me, knowing that Israel is a militarily strong and unified nation based on pro-commerce values.
What was terribly depressing for me was the large percentage of American Jews who did not support their fellow Jews in Israel at the very point when a new Holocaust is emergent.
Here are the facts: the Gazans, (I make no exceptions because any competent and decent person over age 12, long ago left Gaza) began firing over 1000 serious missiles at the major population centers of Israel. Their intent was to kill every ‘damn Jews’. No ambiguity here. Their intent was to kill every single Jew that they could.
It was only an act of God that allowed the Israelis in the Jewish year 5766 to build and operate the Iron Dome. The Iron Dome is a technological feat of genius that was able to destroy nearly all of the Gazan murderess missiles in the air. The Iron Dome was only installed long after the missiles first arrived in Gaza.
The president of the United States, a man who hates Israel and announced it in his first day in office by canceling all written agreements between the previous government in the United States and Israel, also expressed his disdain for the Israeli people in its time of ultimate distress by doing two things: allowing or encouraging the FAA to suspend flights of American planes to Israel because one rocket had fallen a few miles from the airport. A potentially damaging act against Israeli civil aviation. He further emphasized his disdain toward Israel by ordering blockage of American defensive missiles that were already ‘forward based’ in Israel.
Even after this modern Gaza based proto-Holocaust, more than half the Jews in the United States told survey researchers that they support president Obama.
I say here, with the entire weight of Jewish history on my shoulders: these people who call themselves Jews are not Jews. These American Lefty Democrats are not Jews.
What do I base this on? I base this on the oldest ritual in Jewish tradition: Passover.
During Passover we read the story told in the Torah about the Exodus from Egypt. Passover tradition tells us to tell four sons about the Exodus story. The second son is called the ‘wicked son’ and it is he who uses language to exclude himself from the community by talking about ‘them’ rather than ‘us’.
This oldest Jewish ritual tradition that has survived, specifically says to this wicked son: ‘You are not a Jew’. “Had you been in Egypt, when the Lord brought forth the Jews from Egypt, you would not have been brought with them’. You are not a Jew.
I therefore say, based on 3000 years of tradition and more than 100 million lives of Jews who lived before me: “that you who support Barack Obama and fail to support Israel are not Jews”.