In both San Francisco and New York the use of horses to pull carriages is being banned. In both cities there is a concurrent effort to ban Uber, the marvelous smartphone taxi business.
The same brain function applies to both, interestingly. Leftist sentimentality.
Leftist look at the horses, working at a meaningless job and feel sorry for the horse. They have meaningless lives themselves, usually doing meaningless work and identify with the horses. What they can’t see is that horses have virtually no other function on the planet. Horse meat is delicious, but the same sentimental people have eliminated horse meat in the U.S. Riding a horse remains a use of the horse but an honest Lefty would recognize that as just as meaningless as pulling a carriage.
Uber is a case of similar Lefty sentimentality. Just as the auto made the horse trivial and irrelevant, Uber makes the telephone dispatched city regulated taxi trivial and irrelevant, a century later.
The poor poor taxi drivers. Uber, with its flexible hours, personally owned cars, better wages and happy customers makes the old fashioned taxi drivers trivial and largely irrelevant. Especially sitting in their cabs for hours at the airport or in a line at a hotel.
So the sentimental Lefties want to ban Uber. Sentimentality will lose in the U.S., sooner or later.
However, all over the world Uber is being attacked by the status quo Luddites. Anti-Uber has traction outside the Leftie U.S. cities because the Left has now combined with America hate. Much of the world is Lefty, hates modernity, hates commerce, hates Jews and especially hates America. That is a potent combination for Uber to confront.