I never discuss relationships in this blog. It just isn't me.
I have a good sized sample in my personal background but I rarely give it much thought.
I was recently asked to deal with the issue in a family matter. The issue was whether a couple who were getting back together would stay together.
I explained the metaphor I use: a relationship begins with a large house with many rooms and many doors. Each time the couple finds an irreconcilable issue, say whether to put the toilet seat down after use, one door closes. Whatever the solutions, the issue never comes up again so as to avoid disputes. That door is closed. Common issues are tooth brushes, politics, who pays, driving and neatness with clothes.
As the relationship develops more and more contentious issues are encountered and more doors close. Sometimes the issues come up again upon the return from a trip or time apart. One party has forgotten a door that had previously been closed.
Relationships end when too many doors have been closed and one party feels that the relationship is too restricted to be comfortable any more.
Does that metaphor work for any of my readers?