My readers know that I have no sympathy for the New York Times or its Jew hate and its racist Obama left wing support.
I wonder what goes into the mind of the NYTimes that that makes it so harmful. Large amounts of over-the-counter medicines will not kill you. Just add a little bit of arsenic and they will kill you. That seems to be the nature of the New York Times mind. Not lethal most of the time but fatal the rest of the time.
The core mind of the NYTimes is a New Age perspective on the world. I know you're laughing. To the New Age mixture is added the arsenic of Jew hate and Obama ideology: a lethal combination. That is the toxic mixture.
I don't read the New York Times but I am sent a dozen articles a week by friends who adore this Manhattan based monster.
You may doubt that The New York Times is a New Age institution. Let me give you a few recent headlines: ‘How Hepatic Holograms Let You Touch the Void’: 'Can Mushrooms Treat Depression?’: ‘The Invisible History of the Human Race’: 'Stephen Hawking's Warns Artificial Intelligence’: ‘Inhalable Chocolate’: ‘Indigestible Ideas’: ‘Trippy tots, How Babies See the World’. That's New Age.
The New Age is alive and well at the New York Times.
If I haven't made it clear in the past let me make it clear now: hippies and the New Age were not the same although they had common roots. The one distinction they both had in common was a complete unwillingness to make judgments about the world. Astrology was just as good as astronomy. Lead could be turned into gold with sufficient force of mind.
It is this willful disregard for rationality that makes the New York Times what it is. The NYTimes is the home to Obama ideology, Jew hate and New Age woo woo.