I occasionally wonder about whether I will run out of ideas for blogs someday.
I have been writing blogs since before the year 2000. Sometime during that year I got in the habit of doing one daily. Early on I was using an Excel spreadsheet to organize the blogs each day of the month. A new sheet each month. I was writing a blog a day. I’ve have never stopped.
While I have repeated roughly half a dozen blogs, by writing them from a slightly different perspective my total number of blogs is roughly 5000. That is 5000 highly personal comments on the world. My poor biographer, if there ever is one.
I write new ideas on my smartphone; ideas for coming blogs. I try to keep the list above five. Before smartphones, I carried a small pad of paper and pen. Which I started doing after Bucky Fuller told me that the same idea will pass through my mind only once every ten years.
It actually amazes me to see so many and such continuous production of novel insights.
I suspect that this reflects a somewhat pre-concious pressure to produce blogs. I think it is generally beneficial for my thinking process. My original ideas come spontaneously and are always unexpected. I presume that the generation of blogs in some way contributes to the generation of original ideas.