The Left and the Democratic Party are hypocrites. They claim to have an interest in low income people. All of their actions, including the actions that are environmentally supportive harm low income people and make life more difficult for the same people these hypocrites claim to care about.
I don’t use the term ‘poor’ because it is a value judgement not a description.
The most striking example that I can think of is that these Lefty, Democrats, in the interest of environmentalism and ‘groundwater’ have strongly attacked and tried to restrain fracking. Fracking was originally used in natural gas to extract gas from shale. Because it was so effective, along with horizontal drilling, it was expanded to include shale oil.
With complete disregard for the Lefty Democrats and environmentalists, who still restrict oil and gas exploration on federal land, the private commercial world went ahead with fracking of both oil and gas wells in the U.S.
Two consequences: first, there is now so much oil that the price of oil has dramatically dropped from nearly $4 dollars a gallon at retail, in many areas, to under $2 dollars in several states.
Second is that the greatest beneficiaries of this dramatic price drop in gasoline are low income people who have bigger more gas guzzling older cars and for whom gasoline expenditures are a much larger proportion of income.
Roughly, based on an ordinary commute of 25 miles and a low gas mileage vehicle at 15 miles per gallon, a low income person saves over $120 a month. A five percent increase in disposable income. Thanks to fracking.
I would hope someday that low income people can recognize that the Left and the Democrats are their enemies. I look forward to marches with signs saying: ‘Democrats: Frack you’.