The Finders were a middle class commune in Washington D.C. They were friends of mine. There is a description of them here and a story here.
This is another story.
The group had six or seven children from the women in the family. For my purposes, too many of the males were named Michael (my name). I only remember having sex with one of the women. Among the Finders the women chose their sexual partners, not the men.
One day the women decided they needed some time by themselves. So they sent five of the children aged 4 to 6 off with four of the men in a van to Florida. The men, as was their custom, always wore suits. The kids, as was their custom, wore whatever they wanted and always looked like dirt poor rag-a-muffins.
They arrived in some northern Florida town and parked next to a play ground. The men sat on a bench or walked around while the kids played.
Soon the cops arrived and arrested the men and took the kids to ‘child services’. The guru of the Finders told the men to just leave everything as it was, not bail out and say nothing. The local cops called the D.C. police. Who said they thought the group was either running drugs or was an international spy network.
Over time, several months, the mothers slowly went to Florida and reclaimed their children. The charges against the men were dropped and they drove back to D.C.
The key part of the story is what happened a few days after the mass arrest.
The local paper published photos of the five kids asking who the parents were. The paper got 113 phone calls claiming the kids to be their own, from self identified parents, in a three day period.
That is something important to know about our society.
Also note a recent news phenomenon. A celebrity, in his old age, is accused of sexual harassment a decade ago, and dozens of women go to the press to claim the same thing over a forty year period.