My son pointed out that the current Lefty hysterical academic creation of every possible minority-oppressed-group is inappropriate in the world of commerce.
Commerce is based on meritocracy and diversity. Commerce thrives in the most diverse social environments. It does much better in the United States, Canada and Israel than it does anywhere else. That diversity is not definable but it is made up of the wide range of human variability.
Fundamentally commerce thrives on meritocracy. The person who does the job should always be the most capable of doing the job regardless of whether they have one eye in the middle of their head or wears a pink turban.
Into this reality is thrown the preposterous Lefty notion of feminism, racism, sexism, homophobia, imperialism and god knows how many other efforts to categorize people into meaningless cohorts.
The obvious failure of this academic malice is that many extraordinary people who we now appreciate entirely for their merit were not limited because of their modern-day academic classifications. George Eliot is a master regardless of gender. The same is true for Martin Luther King Jr. and Genghis Khan.
There is an apparent contradiction in my life, I confess. I was the leading person in the United States to seek and obtain dramatic increases in minority and female employment in the financial industries, by using a lawsuit.
I did it because there was a strong ingrained bias against minorities and women within the executive class in business. This had to be broken using legal methods; at the time. I have no doubt that commerce would have brought about the same outcome in other industries as it did in finance. Given sufficient time. But commerce and the diversity and meritocracy elements were not well understood at the time and they still aren't.
My personal action is an argument for the use of legal power in times when it is clearly beneficial to wipe away the cobwebs of previous legally ingrained bias.
It in no way relates to the academic absurdity of creating minority intellectual hovels based on ephemeral qualities. That remains anti-commerce and inherently bigoted.