You have to be pretty intelligent to have noticed that we have changed sides. ‘We’ being the United States under Barack Obama and the Democratic party and ‘sides’ being the Middle Eastern battle between Sunni and Shia. Before the actual names (Sunni, Shia) came out of Islam this battle was already 3000 years old.
Before Barack Obama we were allies with the Sunnis. The Sunnis in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan were our closest friends. Very close. For nearly a century.
Now under Barack Obama we have sided with the Shia in supporting Syria’s Assad, Hezbollah, the Egyptian brotherhood, Gaza and Iran.
My observation was stimulated by one of the few superb Middle East writers, Lee Smith.
You may not notice but Saudi Arabia is not helping us in any way in the Middle East especially in dealing with IS. And the Saudi’s have become an ally of Israel, Jordan and Egypt.
We have changed sides in the Middle East under Barack Obama. This is significant. It has also been an additional source of Obama’s hostility to Israel, for those who can't see the obvious.
The American State Department has always been pro-Arab in all aspects but tried to maintain a balance between Sunni and Shia. That balance has disappeared.
It is not too late to change back. But we can’t start for 2 years.