I found myself recently referring to some 98% and 99% propositions.
When I use numbers like that I am most likely exaggerating. It is my way of saying there is no such thing as 100% whether it is molecules or people.
I have done hundreds of opinion surveys over many decades and I have never found any question that gets answered in a homogeneous response by 95% of all people. 95% is extremely rare and 90% is more likely to be something that happens.
One of the reasons this is true has to do with language. Even when a questionnaire or survey is of the simplest form the English language provides too many possible interpretations for any set of words to garner a 100% identical interpretation.
Moreover it seems to also be a fact in nature that variation is built into everything whether it is plant life, minerals or celestial.
Human beings do a superb job of making things intended to be 100% but we know from the language of 'Six Sigma', that most of the time it doesn’t happen. Human beings have a built-in variation in their productive output and most of all in the long term survival of their goods and services.
It is always a wise human who anticipates variation in the world around them.