There is a problem with many Leftist Americans who can't understand why the Israelis and Palestinians don't get along. It seems to them that people who live so close together and have such a similar historic background should find some accommodation. The permanent hatred that the Palestinians teach their children and they deeply ingrain in every act of self abnegation makes no sense at all to my anti-Israeli Lefty friends. Former friends.
I have a simple way to explain to them what is involved. They only need two things: to speak good Spanish and to be placed in Mexico City.
Now, my recalcitrant student, walk one block in any direction and listen to the comments around you. You will find a constant stream of comments about how arrogant Americans are, how Americans are trying to force their culture down the throats of the Mexicans and worst of all what nasty human beings people from the United States can be.
The United States and Mexico have only lived as neighbors for 400 years. The United States only conquered a small area of Mexico that has become four American states.
Nevertheless, we welcome millions of Mexican immigrants every year with abundant job opportunities, generous welfare, free education and free healthcare. As citizens they are welcome to the few remaining American rights.
American expats, settling in Mexico in retirement, are severely restricted in what they can own and their legal rights while living in Mexico regardless of their tenure or commitment.
So 400 years living next to Mexico doesn't seem to have any beneficial effects on the Mexicans hatred of Americans. Now tell me, my Lefty former friends, why Palestinians should be so superior to Mexicans in their dealing with Israel.