If I am pro-commerce then what is everyone else?
They are mixtures of anti-commerce. I will elucidate so you can see.
Let's take the biggest category: environmentalists. Most of our environment has been cleaned up over the past forty years. More than a third of the United States is already preserved parkland.
At this point further environmental policies, especially those based on the belief in the CO2 Armageddon, are designed to harm commerce. The perfect example is suppression of fracking. Natural gas is the cleanest energy readily available and an important source for economic growth. Complaints about water supplies and waste are minor and remedial. Anti-fracking is pure anti-commerce.
The second biggest category is pro-union. Pro union includes political measures such as keeping non-unionized stores out of a local area.
Unions abhor meritocracy. Meritocracy is the lifeblood of commerce. Some people are good at commerce some people are good at specific productive functions. Rating everybody on seniority means low productivity and life for everyone in the boring Luddite world.
For anti-commerce, let's throw in people who think big business is a priori bad. Businesses grow because they sell more to customers and to more customers. Sometimes they grow in order to combat government regulations that become expensive for small and medium-size firms. To grow in the first place they need customers. You don't like big companies you're not in favor of people buying what they want, you are anti-commerce.
The same is true for many issues like free trade. Free trade agreements are synonymous with pro commerce. You want restrictions on prices you are anti-commerce. You want to increase government regulations and government intrusion in people's lives you are anti-commerce.
I think you get the idea. Any particular detail may be more complex but the gist of it is always that encouraging people to make use of their unique human talents and helping other people do the same, is pro commerce. Everything else is anti-commerce.