There is a novel and complex phenomenon occurring in our society that I cannot explain. I feel it emotionally. It is the phenomenon I call ‘the omitted news story’.
On a daily basis there are stories that many of us see repeatedly on our social media that rarely or never make it into the mainstream. The social media is often reflecting a real story that is newsworthy and verifiable. What happens to us as a result of this dissonance?
I am particularly alerted to this issue by an elderly businessman who immolated himself in a neat business suit while sitting on an overpass in Tokyo that I use once a week, every year for many years. The man gave a long talk with a megaphone before igniting himself. He opposed the remilitarization of Japan. This story and photos were carried by social media all over the world including extensively in Japan. But the main Japanese media did not cover it.
I was alarmed at this dissonance in what the Japanese people saw on the Internet and what their media reported because the Japanese generally trust their society. This should have serious repercussions like finding out that your parents lie to you about an important issue.
I don't actually know what the repercussions are in our society. It is vast and pervasive. Right now it is entirely a matter of the Leftist media ignoring events and data that are seen as reality and truthful by the bulk of the society.
I have no idea how this will play out. This dissonance existed in 2012 when a man who is known in the social media as a liar, hypocrite and many other negatives was able to win a presidential election.
How does this play out in our society?