Six years ago I felt I had written my final and definitive blog on Jew hate. My thesis concerns the correlation between Jew hate and an hereditary upper class. You don’t get Jew hate without an hereditary upper class.
An hereditary upper class promotes Jew hate as a diversion from potential revolutionary uprisings against it. On the other-hand there are Asian societies with hereditary upper classes that have other ways to avoid revolutionary uprisings.
I am now faced with an American society where Jew hate is rising in the academic and media world but we have displaced our hereditary elite. In addition to America we are seeing a new kind of rising Jew hate in Europe where it had been suppressed for half a century.
I contend, having read about the past 2000 years of Jew hate in David Nirenberg’s book, that Jew hate was often based on a conflict in Christian societies between faith and reason and faith and rationality. Most recently in the pre-Nazi and Nazi language it was between blood and soil and rationality.
Jews have always stood for reason and rationality. Now that Israel exists as one of the most triumphant examples of rationality and commerce, Israel has reawakened the hatred of Jews that was traditionally attached to anti-rationality.
Rationality, Jews and modernity are now synthesized as one. There is a widespread global hatred of modernity and it is directed at rationality and Jews.
* In the world of environmentalism the apocalypse is a matter of faith and not subject to rational evaluation, modernity is the enemy.
* In the world of academia there is a persistent hatred of the modern world especially hatred of commerce and big companies. Just mention George W.Bush, Walmart, Citibank, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Starbucks and the world of academia will spew hatred on you like tar and feathers on a black man accused of raping a white woman.
So there is now an added source of Jew hate. It is an old source of Jew hate but with the advent of this most successful nation on the planet (Israel) Jew hate now has an Israel hate to connect to its anti-modernity.
Whether the new American form of Jew hate, so prevalent in academia and left-wing media, will be able to gain a foothold in a society that lacks an hereditary upper class will be something for all of us to observe.