The black community has voted nearly unanimously for a half black president. In his reelection campaign the black community turned out in such large numbers that they actually made a significant difference in the outcome.
I would say as objectively as I can that our half black president, Barack Obama, is a Schaufensterpuppe. Schaufensterpuppe is German for ‘window dressing mannequin’.
I believe that Obama is not very bright, innumerate, vindictive and completely unable to learn. That is to say, he will be considered among the worst presidents in American history. We already know that historic judgments of Jimmy-boy Carter are negative. It is clear to me that the long recession under Obama and the reversal of America’s position of respect in the world, and his negative worldview will consign Barack Obama to a position on the ladder below Jimmy-boy Carter.
At this point I think the black community is pretending that they are proud of Obama as the first black president.
A few months ago when I first saw promotion pieces for late-night television comedian Arsenio Hall, I predicted his reign would be short because Americans are really tired of Barack Obama and his lies, and we don't want another black face in front of us. Arsenio Hall will soon be off the air after only a few months; his contract was canceled.
I think the black community has a sense of this American distaste that is evident in polls.
I also have a sense that the black community foresees Barack Obama consigned to the dustbin of history as an ineffective and embarrassing president.
So far, in the black community I have only heard the complaint that Obama has never done anything for them. His reign included the worst economic recovery in a century and the worst black unemployment in the same period.
Because the Democratic reign under Obama has seen daily accusations of his opponents as 'racist' the term is now on the borderline between trivial and complimentary.
This I think is particularly disliked in the black community... though there is some sympathy to the idea of Blacks being victims.
Also during Obama’s presidency the non-black homicide rate has continued its 20 year decline while the new permanent black violent underclass has become more violent.
It is my belief based on only a few conversations with good friends that the black community is aware that Barack Obama, the first black president, is not considered a good one.