The word Schaufensterpuppe is German for store window mannequin. I used this word a few blogs back to describe our president. (2014 Obama.)
Do I consider this description to be objective? Yes for the two following reasons. I am perfectly willing to say positive things about president Obama which suggests to me that my position is not blind one-sided. The president has made several brilliant speeches, one was his speech on winning the Nobel peace prize. Another has been his appointment of several highly competent and outstanding people. One was Bob Gates as Secretary of Defense another was Stanley Fischer as vice chair of the Federal Reserve.
The second reason I consider myself to be objective in describing this president is that I have a set of explicit criteria on which I judge all political operatives: are they good for commerce and are they good for Israel, the only genuine democracy in the MiddleEast.
Commerce in America has generated the greatest human benefits for the greatest number of human beings on the planet. Support for commerce therefore is the highest priority for me.
Support for Israel is in the same league. Israel is today the shining light for modernity, technology, rationality and the future of the Western world. It is in the middle of the darkest geographic hellhole on the planet. It therefore demands support.
On both of my criteria, president Obama has been an abysmal failure.
He has promoted a failed 19th century socialist platform from his first day in public life. This is a an anti-commerce position. He has explicated it in politics and his policies have resulted in the longest most protracted economic recovery in a century. He has blocked foreign trade agreements and supported disastrous unionization and excessive commercial regulation. In terms of Israel he has been openly hostile and maliciously provocative.
The reason I call him Schaufensterpuppe is because of his half Kenyan family background. Throughout his life he has benefited from the Kenyan part of his visible anatomy. He is affirmative action personified. It got him into his first college, it got him into his prestigious second college, it got him into law school, it got him a prestigious editorship at law school, it got him jobs in Chicago it got him appointed to political office. Finally it got him elected president twice. Endless affirmative action.
The use of his half Kenyan family background to achieve this stunning success is referred to in the language of the 1960s as window dressing. He has been the benefactor of affirmative action window dressing all his life.
The reason I consider him a mannequin, empty and hollow, is that he does not appear to have rudimentary intelligence. He is very verbal as is common in the black community but he is for the same reason simultaneously innumerate. He has always misused numbers and shown that he does not understand rudimentary arithmetic.
The most shocking thing to me is that he does not appear able to learn. When he first came into office he flew to Copenhagen to try and get the 2016 Olympics for Chicago. He made no preparations and he was doomed to lose before he even got there. He did the same thing in Copenhagen for a Climate Conference. Those were not the acts of a person who understands political negotiation.
Five years later he still has not learned. He can accomplish virtually nothing without cooperation from the other party that controls the House of Representatives. Yet he daily attacks the opposition party in the most mean-spirited, vicious manner guaranteed to make sure he will never accomplish anything politically. Moreover he constantly pushes his actions beyond the boundaries of his constitutional office which steadily inflames the hostility of the American public and assures that he will not be able to carry out any of his policies.
Those are the main reasons I'm very comfortable in referring to Barack Obama as Schaufensterpuppe.