I want to remind my readers of the Cold War. During the Cold War, France was an occasional ally of the Soviet Union. As a consequence, France partially removed itself from NATO in 1966, and had its own nuclear arsenal.
Why do I remind my readers of this fact? Because the weak current leadership of the United States has re-invigorated Russia and the forces that created the Cold War.
France has in the past few months refused to act against Russia in a pan-European boycott resulting from the Russian Crimean annexation. France, recently began selling new military equipment to Russia.
This should look somewhat like the Cold War to my readers. Moreover it should be a sign on the wall that France may soon pull out of the Eurozone. The Eurozone did not begin until the end of the Cold War in roughly 1989-91. The Maastricht Treaty took force only after the Cold War in 1993. The actual euro didn't come into use until 1999.
I am predicting that the re-emergence of a Cold War resulting from the weak and cowardly behavior of the United States. We will see the rapid decline and elimination of the euro as well as the EU.