At many times in my life I have had a personal joke. I saw myself telling other people, in ultimate confidence, that I was in fact a delegate to the Council of the Elders of Zion. I never actually said it outloud.
At various times I have held the position, in my mind, of Pacific Director of Problems with Blacks. It was my job to make sure the blacks in English-speaking countries were kept from succeeding in ventures that they were pursuing.
At other times I have been in charge of the Nonprofit Organizations in North America and Europe to make sure that hard-working deserving minorities and right wingers did not get the grants or funding that they deserved.
At still other times I have been Chairman of the Committee in charge of Global Communications Networks to make sure that only Jews and friends of Jews were successful in building-out their high-speed networks and implementing new technologies that would benefit these groups.
My self humorous fantasies went so far as to picture these secret Elders meetings in Singapore where over 1000 members convened every three years to operate our committees and make sure that our plans were widely discussed and reviewed.
I can no longer even think to myself about this humorous vision. It is no longer a joke.
There is a vast number of people, in the hundreds of millions in Arab countries, that believe in this Elders of Zion stupidity. There is an even more significant population in Europe that not only believes in this absurdity but is beginning to act on it in openly Jew hating, Zyklon B, manner. Jew hate in Europe is growing at such a rapid rate that it is no longer possible for me to even joke in my own private mind.
The State of Israel has seen the rise of Jew hate in Europe become so extreme that the Israeli government budget now includes money to help more Jews from Europe to escape from the impending European Holocaust.
It is no longer a joke to me or to anyone else who is knowledgeable.