The story is simple. The evil is shocking.
About 15 years ago it was reported in the prominent scientific journals that the areas of the ocean that had the least flora and fauna were those that lacked out flowing rivers with particles of iron in the water. It turned out that the particles of iron flowing into the nearshore ocean was providing the plankton with the necessary iron to carry out photosynthesis. The plankton provided the food base for a higher chain of flora and fauna.
At the time, it was proposed that more extensive fisheries could be developed by dropping iron filings into the ocean in the desolate parts of the nearshore ocean.
Many scientists proposed such experiments. All were rejected by the narrow minded, environmentally-blind authorities who had anything to do with oceans.
One persevering scientist/entrepreneur, Russell George, carried on the fight for more than a decade. When he finally realized that the environmental lobby was totally hostile to any experiments that might benefits humans by engineering, he changed his tactics.
George was smart enough to finally get a native tribe that wanted salmon in their fishing waters. The tribe agree to have him dump a boatload of fine iron filings in their waters in the North East Pacific.
What George had figured out was that the ideological environmentalists were incapable of resolving a conceptual conflict between their anti-human engineering stance and their pro-native peoples politics.
Here is the report on George’s experiment. Two years after he dumped his boat load of iron filings, we have the extraordinary abundance of salmon that he predicted.
Russell George will always be treated as a criminal pariah because he crossed paths with one of the most evil groups in the world: modern environmentalists.
But now we know it is possible to feed the world with abundant sea resources if we stop listening to the voices of environmental quackos.
Russell George is one of the greatest heroes of the 21st Century. There should be statues of him on every university campus on the planet. (Yes, I know there are many people who hate Russell George and consider him a con-man.)