I am looking at some of the grim elements in the commercial and political world of May 2014.
I don't want to make you miserable today. Just a smattering of ills.
* The current Democratic-Union administration has been creating regulations that are damaging to commerce at a stultifying rate.
* Local Democratic urban areas are similarly destroying new entrants to commerce, new entrants to technology and doing everything possible to stifle economic growth.
* The current economic malaise is global and five years old with no prospects for improvement with anti-commerce governments nearly everywhere.
Nevertheless I see a few vigorous weeds growing through this Lefty cement sidewalk. The weeds are trying to circumvent the Lefty anti-commercial suppression efforts.
New businesses often start in bad neighborhoods where regulation is weak and oversight is nonexistent. The black permanent underclass has made most bad neighborhoods dangerous. But there are still many such areas that are not black.
There is always Israel to create new and important commercial innovations.
There will always be the rebels in America who will find a way to create new innovations outside of the realm of Democrat Union control. Places such as suburban Texas and the Midwest.
Most importantly there will always be a few hundred thousand Americans with open minds who will find a way to circumvent the totalitarian drive of the Left.
To me the rise of conservative talk radio is an example of circumventing the evils of the Democrat-Union world. I expect to see similar circumvention in higher education. Most importantly, I am impressed with many of the Jewish intellectual journals and blogs that have emerged in the last five years to stimulate and support intellectual ferment. Intellectual ferment is desperately needed for the future. Such ferment preceeded the vigorous economic development of the 80's and 90's.