We have an interesting example of the way history works.
The example is found in modern Europe and I am specifically using an example of France where Zyklon B ideology is driving French Jews away. (Zyklon B is the cyanide gas that was used by the Germans to kill millions of Jews and others in the Holocaust.)
Zyklon B ideology is currently rampant in Europe. That is the history lesson that we need to examine.
It takes 3 generations after the most horrific event in human history, the murder of 6 million innocent Jews and others, deliberately for ideological reasons, with the cooperation of the vast population of Europe, to now become irrelevant.
I am NOT exaggerating when I say this historic horror has become irrelevant. Zyklon B actions (Jew hate) have been carried out daily in nearly every country in Europe with only a whisper of opposition by the general population and the governments. This is the triumph of Zyklon B ideology.
The point I want noted here for historians is that it has been only 70 years, which is two generations, for any sense of guilt to be completely gone. We are now in the 3rd generation in Europe since the historic horror and there is virtually no opposition, no sense of guilt, no sense of responsibility for the whole idea of Zyklon B, the view that Jews should be exterminated, especially those Jews now living in Israel.
Israeli Jews are surrounded by hundreds of millions of people who want to kill them. What Israel gets from the European Zyklon B ideologues is boycotts, pressure to accommodate Arabs who have never negotiated any peace with Israelis in over 100 years. It is considered perfectly OK to Europeans that the Zyklon B solution will be used again on Jews. Europeans are joined in this ideology by many American leftists as well, and by most academics in the United States.
That is my note to historians: After 3 generations, horrible historic events of any proportion, no longer have any significance to the population that perpetrated the historic horror.
(I will cover the similar experience with American slavery in a separate blog.)