Among some of my friends I am becoming viewed as a curmudgeon . That is because I frequently make the statement that 99 percent of people have closed minds after age 23. The reason I make that statement is rather confirmed by a recent change in media habits.
There has been a steady decline in support for president Obama and the Democrat-Union Party, largely due to the Obamacare fiasco which included lies affecting large parts of the population as well as a continual decline in the global status of America.
One of the consequences of this decline in support for President Obama and the Democrat-Union Party is that the daily need to be reminded Democrat-Union voters made the right decision, is in decline. More and more people are questioning the soundness of that decision last year.
The best evidence is really worth looking at.
The mouthpiece for the current administration is MSNBC. MSNBC has been showing a decline in viewership although it was already low most of the time and it is showing a noticeable decline in revenue not experienced by CNN or Fox. CNN and Fox have shown continued growth in revenue while MSNBC shows a decline. I take the decline in revenue growth as evidence that the ‘We hate Republicans rant’ and the ‘We love Obama the Messiah’ rant is also declining in importance.
Here is the source of the data.
The fact that this took so long, more than 5 years, is evidence of my basic premise that people do not change their minds ever after age 23. What is happening is not changing the Democrat-Unionist minds it is that they are no longer comfortable with a decision they made a half year ago and 5 years age. A minor change in perception, pretty much like going from black shoes to brown. The change has an effect on ad revenue to a sycophant cable news channel.