When I started discussing the impending damage that will occur in San Francisco with a $15 minimum wage due to be voted on this coming November, I foresaw that the city would become like Detroit in a very few years. Some of my friends referred to this as an Armageddon scenario.
It is not an Armageddon scenario. It is an accurate description of what people are faced with in Detroit where the city was destroyed by union values and will not be saved. It may or may not happen in San Francisco but it is a real phenomenon that has happened before. Ft. Dodge, Iowa is another example.
The problem that is alluded to by my friends is that the environmental movement has destroyed the importance of any projection that seems to suggest a negative future.
Environmentalists have proposed a global population explosion with the complete collapse of economic and survival systems. Environmentalists have made the same projections for human caused global warming. Neither of these projections have been accurate. They have been falsified by time.
One consequence of these false armageddons has been to discount the value of science. If I were studying science today in highschool I would recognize science as a branch of politics. Science has become an ideological fount of nonsense.
The second consequence is that any projections of negative outcomes, no matter how realistic whether they apply to Cuba, North Korea, eating sugar or government regulations of marijuana or e-cigarettes... all negative projections are treated as the same level of nonsense as the population explosion and global warming.
Environmentalists have destroyed rational critiques with their irrational exaggeration.