In today’s comment section you will see a change in this blog. The beginning of what I hope will be a geometric change in all serious blogging.
My good friend David Boxenhorn has created a simple format for bloggers to make comments and move back and forth between their blogs. It allows people commenting on blogs to chat with each other, to see their friends' comments in their news feeds (even comments on other blogs) plus other features of social networks. David calls it Sovevos.
To see how it works, create a username and password in the comments section below. Then you will see the actual format and be able to friend people who have left comments. Please leave a comment and introduce yourself if you want people to friend you. (If you don't have any friends, you won't be able to experience the network.)
If you are already have a Sovevos user on a diffent blog, just choose the blog from the drop-down menu, and sign in.
Nearly all of my blog readers are very intelligent and most are wise; we can use this new format productively.
You can go here for a more detailed explanantion.
This program is brand new today. If you find any bugs or have suggestions, please tell David directly about it on this post .