Are you aware that analog computers are a rapidly expanding part of the computer world?
I began realizing this recently when looking at investment in the computerization of automobiles.
It is important to understand that analog computers have been around much longer than digital computers. What is important to us is that analog computers have been increasingly put on a chip very much like digital computers. The consequence is that they are being increasingly used in more functions particularly more functions related to automobiles.
An analog computer operates from the direct input of electricity, hydraulic forces or even mechanical pressures. Analog computers respond directly to these forces and their output can be in multiple forms, including digital. In an automobile there are many operating systems that transmit information using physical media. Our brakes are hydraulically operated. Our steering wheel is also. Both can communicate directly to an analog computer to provide information which can then be transmitted directly to a motor and back to the braking or steering systems.
I read some of the literature related to analog computers. There is a whole new world of funding being provided by DARPA for the expansion of analog computers. The reason is straightforward. Analog computers use much less power if any at all. They do not require as much cooling as digital computers. Digital computer temperature growth is becoming increasingly a problem as the digital computers and chips become more powerful.