I continue to see a Civil War on our domestic horizon. I don't know when it will start and I don't know how it will be carried out. The two sides are already defined as red and blue.
What is fascinating to me is that the new Civil War is a remnant of the last Civil War. How did this happen?
First it is important to understand that the last Civil War was never resolved. On the 50th anniversary there were many parades where brothers who fought on both sides marched in the parade but no blacks were ever in the parade. On the hundredth anniversary there was no celebration whatsoever, on the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation (a month ago)there was no celebration and I am certain that the 150th anniversary of the end of the war will not be celebrated. The war is not over.
Two things happened to perpetuate the frictions of the first American Civil War.
First was the federal court directives to desegregate public schools using busing. This divided society into bigger middleclass suburbs and rich urban areas. Middleclass whites took their children out of the urban areas and left only the rich whites who could stay in private schools. This migration continued and even accelerated into the 1990s. By then the white flight was driven by the endemic crime in the middle-class urban areas.
The second force generating the current leadup to a Civil War was the Lyndon Johnson war on poverty. The war failed and instead generated a permanent, dangerous black underclass of criminals and illiterates.
The only people who remain willing to live in urban areas with this dangerous black permanent underclass are Democrats and other ideologues who deny the black danger.
That gives us the red and blue division necessary for the coming Civil War.