Four months ago I wrote about the appointment of Caroline Kennedy as ambassador to Japan. The woman has no experience but she does have good connections which I thought was a possible basis for her ambassadorial appointment.
I was wrong. Caroline Kennedy is a stupid and incompetent appointment that only an anti-American president and in an incompetent Secretary of State could have created.
An ambassador has multiple goals in their portfolio of activities. One is to subdue or mitigate hostility between the nation been represented in the nation being visited.
Ambassador Kennedy, in her vast ideological ignorance, has inflamed relations between Japan and the United States. For no good or justifiable reason she has criticised the Japanese for a small fishing village that kills dolphins once a year. She is a disaster. Mitigate not inflame, you fool.
Nearly 40 years ago I headed off conflict between the American enviro-lunatics and the Japanese. I published a sympathetic article about dolphin harvesting in a small North Sea Japanese village. The article was in the main environmental publication. I appealed to the enviros to support the natives, the cooperative fishing company and local sustainability. I was able to suppress the dolphin harvesting issue for nearly 30 years.
Caroline Kennedy did the opposite. She had the audacity to say that the recent harvesting of dolphins in this small village was offensive to America. She represents the most ignorant blind malicious aspects of the American environmental movement. She failed in her duty as an ambassador.
Ambassador Caroline Kennedy is a mistake.