For many years I have been traveling around the world and traveling extensively in the United States for one reason. I need good conversation. Conversation is vital for my thinking. It is stimulative. When I am talking to an intelligent person I become more intelligent. If they ask me questions that are complex and interesting my mind aggressively expands.
I believe that is true for a large part of the population. Except there aren’t many intelligent people available to converse with so the level of intelligence in society is stifled.
It is now my observation that an interaction with Google is a modest substitute for real conversation with intelligent people. Google lacks any form of interrogation or response. However Google does have the stimulative effect of constantly offering new references that are easily investigated and expanded. Like the wandering path of a conversation.
Using Google, a simple search can become a complex and interesting investigation.
In that way, Google possess an important element of conversation.
I will definitely argue that the presence of Google and its ubiquitous availability is a source of increased intelligence in modern-day society.
I do not in any way deprecate the power of vital real conversation. There is no substitute, there is no alternative to real conversation carried on by two or more people who are listening and interacting with you. Google is just an interesting service that can be a supplement of great value in the world of desperately needed conversation.