I regularly comment on the tribal nature of Arab society. These tribes not only have social values and practices that make no sense to us. These values are passed on for many generations as part of family and tribal tradition.
Arabs remember their defeats and embarrassments for millennia. It is not uncommon for a small village to remember that Alexander the Great, 2300 years ago, defeated this small village, unfairly by attacking at night from over the impassable nearby mountains.
Even gypsies (Rom people) remember the time they were driven out of India by invading moguls who, we are told, unfairly fought early in the morning like cowards. They drove the gypsies out.
Recently a candidate for the legislature reminded the Greek population (he was actually in Macedonia) that the Jews had defeated the Greeks 2200 years ago. It was the Maccabean victory which the Jews still celebrate as Hanukkah.
Since the Jews have regularly defeated Arabs on all sides by resounding victories we can assume the Arab memory will retain these affronts for several millennia into the future... if the Arabs remain tribal.