A friend of mine suggested I read a recent book on Israel. From the reviews I can see that it is an interesting book written by a Lefty who appears to have some balance in his observations.
Frankly, I don't give a ship (yes, that is how my dictation program spells ‘shit’) about any book about Israel unless it is really a history. I loved Michael Oren’s history of the Six-Day War.
I also don't give a damn for current books about Japan. I go to Japan every year and I have my own opinions, observations and contacts. I would say they are as good as anyone elses. The same is true for Israel.
However Israel is different than Japan. The current opinion books about either are irrelevant to me.
There is one reason and only one reason why Israel is significantly different than any other country on the planet.
The Jews in Europe are facing a new Holocaust in the not too distant future. The clouds are visible to anyone who is willing to look. The Jews in Europe can see it coming. The Jews in Norway and Sweden and the much larger number of Jews in France are already moving to Israel. More than half the British Jews have already left.
Israel is where Jews go to know they and their children will survive.
That is the second reason I don’t bother to read books about Israel. Books don’t matter. In terms of history what a book decides to tell us about Israel is meaningless. Israel was and is the only safe refuge for Jews from the horrible treatment the the rest of the world so willingly administers to us.
(The photo is of a sign in Scotland.)