When the America's Cup sailing races were in San Francisco it was common to hear the Lefty fundamentalists complain that it was just elite trash who could afford $100 million dollars worth of yacht for a race. Only rich people cared about it.
Of course those weren't the people I saw watching the races.
I always wondered how these Lefty zombies could reconcile the fact that sports teams cost much more than any America's Cup yachts. Yet they pay attention to baseball and basketball.
I also hear from the entire Lefty population how terrible it is that corporate executives are paid in the millions of dollars while proletariat workers are paid only in the thousands.
Corporate executive who are highly paid are usually paid only for performance. There are a few exceptions where corporate revenue or profit is not the prime determinant.
I work in the field of executive compensation. I rarely see executives rewarded based on measures that are unrelated to the success for a company. Success means employees have jobs. Workers get paid only when the company survives. Lefties don’t see the connection or don’t understand the relevance of top management.
My only way of justifying executive compensation is to point out that in the sports world there are roughly 100 teams on which 50 athletes earn over $18 million.
On the other hand, among the top 500 corporations only 73 executives are paid $18 million or more. That may be unfair to the executives.
Who are the ones that should be rewarded by our society? The ones who are athletic or the ones who make daily decisions that keep hundreds or thousands employed, safely?
I say nothing about people who are paid for their singing, acting, painting, dancing, twerking or reading the news. Lefties never mention them because Lefties are stuck in 1872 when they thought the proletariat were going to overthrow the hereditary royalty. Television, at the time, hadn't created the thousands of other very rich people.