I have raised the issue in this blog many times: we are on the verge of a civil war.
Most of my readers understand this feeling. We never see the subject discussed publicly because part of the reason for this sense of impending civil war is that the national media speak 100% the Lefty language. This will be a war against the Lefty overlords. Even Fox News and the Wall Street Journal avoid the subject of how different their news coverage is from the rest of the news media.
It is this complete isolation of half the American public that generates this ominous sense that we are on the verge of civil war. At present the only tools available for half of America to speak are blogs and election tools. This mechanism did not work in the last general election. We don't know why but the reelection of an incompetent anti-American, simply inflamed the civil war mentality. The year 2013 will be remembered as the year Americans bought more firearms than ever before.
On a recent trip by car I came to realize that I have a the second image of how the civil war will begin. My first image is of suburban and rural people coming into the center of urban areas, particularly the gay Castro district in San Francisco and the blackest parts of Oakland and firing hundreds of rounds from moving cars at everyone. Much like John Brown started the U.S. Civil War.
My second newer image is of suburban and rural towns where people will be shooting at automobiles traveling through town that they think are urban Union-Democrats. Shooting at convertible Mercedes and BMWs and Teslas.
Since this type of civil war is new there are no scenarios of how it starts. I am struggling in the dark to imagine how it will play out.
The first targets will be ostentatious rich people who are perceived to be major funders of the Democrat-Union Party.