We have a large and growing hereditary underclass of blacks. I don't know the size but it's in the low millions. This class is identifiable because it is illiterate, innumerate and illegitimate.
Honest people must ask themselves what can be done to reduce the size of this hereditary underclass.
In previous blogs I have made several suggestions, which I know are not politically viable.
My current suggestion is to limit conjugal visits for serious felons. Limit the visits to spouses with whom they have been married before their prison sentence and for whom they can show some reasonable work experience and a modicum of education.
I know that many outsiders will believe that this will lead to greater unrest in our prisons. I would have to leave that judgment to the Prison Guards Union which is among the strongest of all unions. I suspect they know that sex inside the prison walls in sufficient that many conjugal visits are unneeded.
It may surprise you to know that a very high percentage of black man are comfortable having sex with men. Still, they don't consider themselves 'gay'.
Once this basic problem of an hereditary underclass is identified in some serious worlds I hope some honest efforts will be made deal with its solution.