I have recently been thinking about how to get rid of Democrats. The Democratic-Union Party, my new correct name for the group of people who call themselves Democrats, is anti-commerce. The consequence of this anti-commerce attitude does great harm to the poor, the young and the hopes of civilization around the world.
So how do we get rid of the Democratic-Union Party?
This blog is number one of two and is focused on helping people to be aware that unions in our country control the Democratic Party at the local, state and national level.
One suggestion is that every government employee who sits in an office or works as an inspector have a large button on their shirt that says ‘I am a union member’.
My second suggestion is that every government office show on the wall the amount of money contributed to the Democratic Party by the union members in that office in the previous election.
I suggest that In every government office be posted the average wage of the employees in that office and their estimated retirement benefits (as a percent of their salary).
Lastly I believe that every government office should be forced to take the most generous union work rules around the country and apply them in that office. The most generous work rules I know are at the San Francisco Municipal Railroad where workers are given 40 days a year to stay in bed and not have to phone in to management to say they are not coming to work. No reason needed. Just stay in bed or stay at the bar drinking.
If the nature of our government and its control by unions were visible to the public I don't believe anyone would vote Democratic-Union again.