You will never hear me complaining about Obamacare for any of the standard reasons. I don't care whether you get to choose your doctor or the type of medicine or the treatment or any of the other countless problems that Obamacare creates or the ridiculous re-distribution of income that it is intended to create.
I have one reason and that reason is so significant and so important that I cannot believe any society would Institute socialized (government directed) medicine in any form.
The free market of commerce is what has brought us all of the life-saving, pain avoiding realities of modern life. When the government starts making rules about medicine and medical technology the innovation that has made life worthwhile for most people disappears.
This is not ranting. This is based on this list of the most obvious fact that anybody can look up. Americans comprise less than 5% of the world's population. And yet Americans receive 50% of the Nobel prizes in physiology and medicine. These are men and women being rewarded for their contributions to our life survival and well-being. These are people thriving in the most commercialized country in the world.
Let me repeat that. The innovations that these people create are not from countries where the government makes major determinations about medical care. They are coming disproportionately and startlingly (in orders of magnitude greater frequency ) from the most open commercial medical market in the world: the United States.
If you want government intrusion in the medical market, you are a Luddite of the most malicious mean-spirited kind. We all have the information, now. The reality is: you have to get the government out of the way in order to have innovation in medical technology.