If you build a business that employs several thousand people and provide homes, food, education and health care for additional thousands of children and partners of your employees, bringing your total to 5000 souls whom you have provided for, you are less likely to have an obituary published about yourself than if you had written two academic books attacking commerce and promoting the murder of thousands for Left-wing causes.
I read obituaries. Most obituaries are minor. Major obituaries appear in the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times and my local newspapers. These are reserved for people who work for newspapers, celebrities of popular culture and Left-wing heroes. The only business newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, publishes obituaries rarely. Maybe two or three a month. That leaves thousands of heroes of business unrecognized by the media.
I certainly wish this obituary priority was reversed. Part of the reason for this lopsided Lefty orientation toward death is that most journalists are incapable of understanding enough about business to be able to find the words to describe the business person's contributions.