The Bucky that I am remembering is Buckminster Fuller.
I knew Bucky fairly well and we talked on regular occasions.
There are two conversations I had with Bucky that are memorable. Otherwise we talked about the miscellaneous events of our day and our work.
The conversation I remember best is one where I mentioned to Bucky how difficult it was for me to remember the interesting and important ideas that I had. While I had a chance to type some out, many never made it to the typewriter because I had forgotten then.
The best I can remember as Bucky’s actual words were ' All good thinkers carry a pen and paper with them at all times. The reason is simple... ideas come and go very fast. The same idea might not be back again for 10 years."
Bucky was right. From that moment forward I always carried a pen and paper. Until the advent of smartphones. Since then I enter all ideas immediately on my smartphone note page. Over the past decade I have only lost my notes once to careless handling by a technician.
The second memorable Bucky statement was made about the time I had published The Seven Laws of Money. Somebody must've told him about it. He asked me to summarize it. I did.
He said that it confirmed his view of money which was that "Money is always 90° from the real action. If you look at orbit of the moon and the direction it is traveling you will not see the source of its movement. You have to look 90° to see that the moon is in an orbit created by the earth"
This is a great metaphor and relevant to the issue of money.