In an earlier blog about the hippies I suggested that the sexual freedom that women offered in the hippy era had to do with age demographics. I noted that women tend to choose men who are two years older than they are. But with all the leading cohorts usually of smaller size, younger women from larger cohorts were forced to offer sex to attract the older males in the smaller cohorts.
In the interval of many years since the hippy era, I have had a chance to observe the wonderful fall of the evil USSR and the magnificent emancipation of the Chinese from the tyranny of Mao.
It appears that when a society is freed from repression there is a sexual explosion.
I saw it in Japan with the fall of the USSR. Women seemed to flock to Tokyo and aggressively sought out every man available. They were horny. I know a number of couples made up of a Japanese male and an East European female from that era.
During that same period many of my male friends visited East Europe and reported the easy availability of horny young women.
The same thing happened in China. To this day men are targets of horny young Chinese women coming in from the countryside.
So I now wish to add an important additional reason to the sexual freedom of the hippies. They were reacting to the repressive social conservatism of the 1950’s decade.