This blog is about the global warming hysteria.
Nutation is the wobble of the Earth's tilt in its orbit around the sun. The Earth is tilted so that at our perigee (Jan 2-5) we are closest to the sun and at our apogee we are furthest from the sun. Because of the tilt the closest point Is where the Southern hemisphere is oriented toward the Sun.
Our elliptical orbit averages 93,000,000 miles from the sun. It varies by roughly 3%. This warmer 3% is focused mostly on the oceans in the South. We are not very clear on how the temperature differential of the oceans North and South are related to their surface and subsurface movements.
The tilt of the Earth's is not perfectly on our axis of North-South. Our planet has a slight erratic wobble that occurs over an 18.6 year period.
I mention this only because I am able to see in the slight warming pattern of the last 80 years a roughly 20 year pattern of warming, stability and warming. None of this warming is significant and could very well be associated with this tiny nutation.
I want to call this to your attention because this very small element in the Earth's orbit could have an effect on global temperature especially if it in any way synchronizes with patterns of solar radiance that itself has an 11 year cycle.
The entire history of global temperature changes over 750,000 years (that have been measured) coincide exactly with the earth’s orbital changes.
(I love this photo. It is a roadside in Mexico where the peak of the sun's Northern most noon location has been measured over the past 7 years. Nutation as seen on the ground.)
Whether a tiny amount of anything has an effect on the earth would never be my hypothesis but global warming sports fans seem to put a great deal of emphasis on CO2 which remains only a few 10 thousandths part of the Earth's atmosphere.