This blog title alludes to two old Jewish jokes.
In one joke the Jews are talking to each other about a political event. The question always arises "Is this good for the Jews?"
In the other joke, Jews are talking about some tragedy like a small airplane crash and the question always arises "So how many Jews were killed?"
I have combined the two jokes and am referring to the scandals of Eliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner.
Yes this is bad for the Jews. It is bad in more ways than just having to identify two Jewish names who are dishonest, immoral and running for public office. Additionally, New York, where they are running for office, is disproportionately populated and controlled by Jews.
The idea that Jews would vote for these two disgusting human beings is the third element that indicates it is bad for the Jews.
Both of these men are only Jews in name. Neither has a genuine connection to the Jewish world. Weiner is married to an Arab, whose family is part of the Islamic-Jew-hate-Brotherhood.
There is a long tradition of justifiable stereotyping that Jews are dishonest. These two men are a constant reminder to everyone of this unfortunate Jewish stereotype.
Very consciously, many decades ago, I started a business called The Honest Jewish Boys Club with two friends. I sought the distribution rights for Japanese heating pads that are operated by chemical action when they are shaken. They are used in Japan to warm the lower back. They are now widely used in the United States to warm hands and to wear while skiing.
My two partners were also involved in businesses of their own which became too successful and they could not devote time to our joint Honest Jewish Boys Club venture.
The worst part of this Spitzer-Weiner debacle is that they are running for office in New York. It is a distinct sign that the Jews of New York are tolerant of dishonesty, hypocrisy and immorality.