I assume that most of my readers know the Bill of Rights. There are three of these rights that do not seem to have been previously arrogated by the IRS. Congress has created a unique category of laws for the IRS delegating to it astounding powers that violates seven out of ten of the Bill of Rights.
The first, second and 10th rights deal with issues previously unrelated to the IRS. To some extent the first amendment protection of religion partially relates to the IRS. It prohibits the IRS from collecting taxes from religious organizations.
The most recent scandal in which the leaders of the IRS, Carter Hull, William Wilkens and Lois Lerner specifically singled out politically related organizations and pro-Israel organizations for malicious IRS treatment. This suggests that the IRS has decided on its own to violate the first amendment to the Constitution. The IRS has on
its own decided to violate the first of our Bill of Rights.
To me this is an outrage.
The IRS already has the most extraordinary powers of any American government agency. A brief review of the US code relating to the IRS will let you know that the IRS, on its own, using only internal decision-making and judicial processes can go into your home and take any documents, go into your business and take any documents including your computer. The IRS using only internal decision-making and internal judicial processes can close your business, can seize your bank accounts and can seize your other financial assets.
You are not enabled, despite the Bill of Rights, to have a jury trial when dealing with the IRS. The IRS has by law been allowed to overstep most of our Bill of Rights protections. The IRS does not allow you to post bail. It can include in its web of prosecution relatives and spouses. That clearly violates rights protected in the Bill of Rights.
I am not making this up. The power of the IRS to violate seven out of ten of our Bill of Rights has already been inscribed in law.
Now the IRS has decided to arrogated to itself the eighth out of ten rights that were our protection from government.
Doesn't this convince you of the seriousness of the current scandal? Shouldn't Carter Hull, William Wilkens and Lois Lerner go to prison for their arrogation of our 1st Ammendment constitutional rights?
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