I'm sure that most of my readers are aware that a doctor named Gosnell was convicted of murder in Philadelphia for his work at an abortion clinic. He was convicted of murdering three post abortion babies that attending nurses claimed were alive.
The prevailing argument about this case is that this will have some affect on the pro-and anti-abortion politics. I don't know about that because people have pretty much made up their minds. The country is divided. Nearly 2/3rds of the country say they would not have an abortion personally nor recommended abortion to anyone in their family. Simultaneously, half the population believe legal abortion should be available.
I only wish to point out that any doctor in the US who is conducting abortion procedures will now give a second thought to any abortion after the first trimester. Most fetuses are not viable even in the middle of the second trimester. Post Gosnell, I can't imagine a doctor putting his/her life at risk now that a jury, made up mostly of pro-abortion citizens, would return a verdict of murder.
I think that will change the reality of work in abortion procedures.