There is a steady drumbeat in the political world about the growing importance of Mexicans and Latinos.
I think these projections overlook a much more important demographic population that is growing rapidly: Asian Americans.
This rapidly growing population has several advantages over other immigrant groups.
First this population does extremely well, better than the rest of the American population, in intelligence tests and in academia.
Second this Asian-American population is also very successful in business. Both Silicon Valley businesses and private retail stores. At this point in California, several Asian-American populations are becoming dominant in medical, elderly healthcare, electronics, engineering and accounting.
Third, and most importantly, with my own eyes I am seeing a vast number of couples dating and married in public who are a combination of Asian-American and non-Asian American. This type of intermarriage seems to be proliferating which means that assimilation is moving at a rapid pace. I don’t see a similar pattern of rapid interracial activity among Latinos and Blacks with others. I live in California.
I call the subsequent assimilation and rapid commercial success rate of the Asian-American population the coming Asian Wave.