There has been no substantial evidence or data to support global warming, much less human caused global warming, for the past 15 years.
The worst example of ideological BS was published a few weeks ago in the Journal Nature Climate.
The press release was circulated by the AP and many other Lefty official voices. A group at East Anglia college announced that high altitude turbulence would be increasing over the next decades because of global warming.
Let us examine the preposterous nature of this press release.
First, East Anglia college is where Climategate originated. Climategate was the offensive publication of deliberately falsified global warming data intended to overlook the fact that real global warming was not occurring.
The Climategate scientists did everything possible to deny publication access to people who disagreed with them.
Second, the announcement about high altitude turbulence is based on a computer model. All economists know that computer models don't work. But the most serious complaint about computer models in climate issues is that they are colossally wrong about global warming... already.
Third, there is no measure of high-altitude turbulence. No data, no measurement, no metric.
Fourth, we don't know what causes high altitude turbulence. There appears to be a connection to changes in the jetstream. That is all. There is an appearance of a connection.
What could be more preposterous than releasing this example of a future problem that cannot be measured or tested whose mechanics are unknown...released by a group with a history of fraud?
Do you still believe in global warming? Even with bozos like this providing most of the data?