I am old enough to have experienced Jim Crow but I would not have experienced it unless I had been stationed in the Army in the South. I was stationed near Newport News Virginia.
I had many friends who were black enlisted men. Because of my technical skills at running a movie projector I was the projectionist for black pornographic films shown to the black enlisted men at the twice monthly paycheck-private-drinking and celebrating events.
One time when I was headed to Washington DC I was offered a ride by one of my black sergeants. We went in his station wagon with his wife and four kids. This was 1961.
We could not stop for the kids to go to the bathroom anywhere over a 180 mile drive because there were no black bathrooms at any of the many gas stations along the way. 'Whites only' bathrooms. The kids were jumping up and down in distress. Their father made it clear that the closest bathroom was going to be a Marine base on the outskirts of DC.
That was Jim Crow.