I have received some emails from a woman who wanted me to mention her graduate school reference index in my blog.
The Index includes several thousand university graduate programs including online schools. It has a number of components on which you can create filters to identify the schools or programs most relevant to your interests.
I genuinely wonder if this index is broadly useful for domestic college students. The traditional way to find a graduate school is to ask your peers and the professors in your field of interest.
For many, the specific faculty members at the graduate school you will want are highly specific to your needs. You find out where they are or you already know where they are.
In the two fields that I know, economics and statistics, any undergraduate with a modicum of competence will know exactly where he or she should go.
To all of this I would add a very serious reservation. First, many graduate schools are run by ideological Lefties and everyone needs to be warned about the deleterious environment that Lefties create. For better or worse I would have been a PhD economist except that my graduate school at UC Berkeley was a pro-Castro hive of Lefty malice. By the end of two years, I had finished my course work, I realized they would never give me a degree. The PhD index does not give any warnings about Lefty hellholes.
Second, it is increasingly common to find out how many of your doctoral peers will be Asians and Asian-Americans. Asians are attracted to the top schools and their choices reflect the popularity of the PhD's in their home country. They have a significant influence on academic issues. The PhD index does not give a measure of Asian students.
Most of what I consider important about graduate schools and programs can only be learned by discussion with your peers.