You have heard me rail against locavores and organic nut jobs.
Part of this is because I worked with many grocery stores throughout the United States before organic delivery systems were in place in the late 1970s.
I had to work with organic grocery stores that look just like the one in this photo. This is a small town organic grocery store with a semi-locavore ideology. You can see from the photo that they can't be too pure.
Those bananas are not locally grown in this small town in Colorado. Bananas have been a staple of American food for over 120 years thanks to international trans-ocean shipping and ethylene storage.
The persimmons are not a Colorado winter plant either. Neither are the beautiful tomatoes. At best, if they are locally grown it would mean a hot house. The rest are standard root vegetables that would be the real organic food before vast transportation systems entered commerce along with our superb modern food storage technology.
Look at this complete, nearly ideologically pure, organic winter vegetable table. Locavore is a farce.